Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bizarre Foods

I just couldn't help myself!


Bailey said...

hahahah i found this video too. The grasshopper thing is so crazy where i live but they are not as big and gross looking as that one. They taste like popcorn. Everything else is the video i dont know where it is filmed but i have never seen squiral on the menu

S. said...

Yeah I have the feeling that half of the stuff on his show is just so random that most people in whatever country he's in have never had it.

Hasse and Steve said...

Sara: I went to Uganda with the 2/09 wave but my mom got very sick and i had to leave. Clothing there is all used! Bring your own stuff. Here is what I wish I had with me: plain cotton knit skirts with elastic waists. It is hope and they pack easy, wash easy and contrary to what people said before i went, they do dry. I have seen them in all sorts of shops this sueason but not in february. Clothes get yuck quickly becuase you have to wash everything by hand and then iron everything. Cotton knit is great. my email is

S. said...

I think all my skirts are cotton with elastic waists! Thanks for the advice :)

I hope your mother is doing better